Multi-channel speaker placement

Foreword At the beginning of the development of multimedia computers, compared with the current situation, it is really not the same. At that time, as long as the computer can make sound and play music, it is enough to be called a multimedia computer, and today's multimedia computers are not so simple. In addition to the original functions, it also includes the game and the focus of everyone recently-DVD playback.
Speaking of which, we must mention the speaker. The speaker is the most direct sound transmission interface between the entire multimedia system and the user. Let us put aside the warning sound of the normal use of the computer to carry out various work processes, generally used for recreational sound. It is not limited to two channels, so in addition to the requirements for the sound quality of the choice of speakers, multi-channel output is another important point of today's multimedia speakers.

The significance of multi-channel speakers A while ago, the author once talked about the issues and opinions that should be understood when purchasing speakers, but when you purchase multi-channel speakers, can you successfully play the multi-channel speakers should be The effect? The main purpose of multi-channel speakers is to establish a correct and complete sound field, and clearly locate the correct position of the sound source, which is a basic requirement for DVD movies. To set up these speakers correctly. The author will explain how to properly set up multi-channel speakers in a multimedia computer system based on Dolby's proposal that presents the mainstream AC3 DVD video audio specifications.

It is said that before setting up, before entering the description, there is a point that must be explained. Do n’t compare the home theater with the PC theater on the multimedia computer, because it is meaningless, there are quite a few computer magazines From the perspective of a home theater, it is not only unfair, but also deliberately misleads the reader's right to know in this regard. Imagine that you will use a group of multimedia computer systems with less than 50,000 yuan. Do millions of home theater groups compare? In addition, the home theater does not serve only one person, so its multi-channel speaker installation method is different from that of the PC theater. The PC theater is a user-oriented installation goal, in terms of space size, speaker installation angle, height, There are different places, and it is by no means directly applied to the home theater model.

Front speakers Generally speaking, the front speakers are placed in line with the listener. If you use a 4-channel speaker group, then place these two front speakers on the display separately If you use a 5 + 1 channel speaker set on the two sides, there will be an additional center channel speaker, and this center channel speaker can be placed above or below the display (possible placement under the display It is not high. First, the monitor will be crushed if it is too heavy. Secondly, the center of gravity of the monitor may be unstable. It is possible to place it on the desktop in front of the monitor. The same, and the front of the three speakers should be on the same plane or the center channel speaker recedes slightly, but its front is parallel to the front of the front two speakers.
As for the distance between the front left and right two-channel speakers, it is related to the position of the listener. In the normal viewing seat position of the listener, the angle between the front left and right two-channel speakers and the listener is preferably 45 degrees. Therefore, if the distance between the listener and the speaker is greater, the distance between the front left and right two-channel speakers is also greater, and the constant is the angle. The center channel speaker is always facing the listener.
-The front speakers are lined up facing the listener
-The front of the front speaker can be on the same plane, the center channel can be moved a little later, but the front is still parallel to the front of the front speaker
-The height of the front speakers should be the same as possible
-The front left and right channel speakers are at a 45-degree angle to the listener

Surround speakers basically speaking, surround speakers are placed on the left and right sides of the listener, and are placed face-to-face, that is, both speakers are facing the listener. If the installation space allows, it is best to place these two speakers The two speakers are placed 60 to 90 cm above the head of the listener when sitting, but this seems to be an inexplicable thing, especially the distance between the two speakers and the listener is preferably the same, to be able to find There are two walls where the speakers can be hung, and the person and the computer system must be in the middle of the two walls, which seems a bit difficult, so there are alternatives.
The so-called alternative is that there is a wall behind the listener for hanging around, then the surround speakers can be hung on the walls on both sides behind the listener face to face or toward the front, and the height still maintains the aforementioned position. If there is no wall in the back, you can put the speaker on the shelf, and then put it on the left and right sides of the listener in a face-to-face manner, or you can directly put it on the ground behind the left and right sides of the listener, the speaker faces On the top, if it is possible, it is better to use a thing to raise the speaker slightly.

-Surround speakers are erected face to face
-The height of the surround speakers is about 60 ~ 90 cm higher than the listener
-Surround speakers can also be hung on the rear wall, either face-to-face or front-facing
-If there is no wall for listening to the speakers, you can use the speaker stand
-Also place the speakers on both sides of the back of the listener, but it is better to raise them slightly

Subwoofer There is also a subwoofer in the 5 + 1 channel speaker group that highlights the acoustic effect of the bass part. In theory, the placement of the subwoofer is not rigidly specified, because human ears are at this low frequency. It is not easy to distinguish the direction of the source of the sound, but the low frequency range included in the subwoofer of the general multimedia speaker group may not be so low, so there may be many sounds of higher frequencies in the low frequency from the subwoofer It is issued, so it is recommended that the subwoofer can be placed on the ground in front of the listener, so that better results should be obtained.

Volume adjustment After you complete the installation of all speakers, the next important task is to adjust the volume according to the position of the installed speakers. The focus is to adjust the volume of all speakers to the listener's feeling of each speaker on the seat. The volume is equal, which is also not an easy task. If the surround speakers are closer to the listener, you may have to lower the volume control of the surround speakers to achieve a balanced sound experience. Each speaker uses this Kinds of adjustments. However, it is important to adjust the volume to fit the entire listening space. The volume is too large or too small compared to the listening space. The main purpose is to allow the listener to feel the presence but not feel noisy, so that it can appear Sound effect.

Conclusion The installation of multi-channel speakers will have different installation methods and positions due to different spaces. Adapting to local conditions has become the highest guiding principle of installation. It depends on you to decide how to arrange it. (End) (Old Barbie)

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Procurement principles of multi-channel speakers

Foreword When the personal computer entered the field of multimedia, it seemed destined to be a ...

Published on 2006-04-17 23:40 • 186 times read
Procurement principles of multi-channel speakers
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Ceramic Heater is ued in controllable aural various heat treatment furnace,to avoid the contact of elding burning outcome or to avoid the corrosion of furnace gas to heating element.The process(the conversion of elding burning or electric energy) is put into refractory steel tube and let amount of heat radiate by wall of tube.This device is called as heater tube.

Twist and turn resistance wire in axial direction,that is,the single resistance wire is bended to U shape,then in series or parallel connection mutually.This kind of electrothermal heater tube is called bending resistance wire heater tube.This tube,because fall of screening of resistance wire,in intratubal upper surface load,can insure prolong life span.

Ceramic heating element is a heating element and the ceramic through high temperature sintering, fixed together made of a heating element, according to the body temperature level to adjust the size of the resistance, which can be constant temperature in the set value, not overheating, with Energy saving, safety, long life and other characteristics. This heater does not light at work, no open flame, no oxygen consumption, soft air supply, with automatic temperature function. PTC ceramic heater output power in the 800-1250 watts, you can freely adjust the temperature, no light consumption when working, with automatic switching devices, energy efficient, energy safe. PTC ceramic heater uses most of the bathroom in the bathroom heater and some small bedroom heating. The rainy season takes into account the relatively dry indoor air in the northern part of the winter, the part of the heating in the bedroom PTC ceramic heater and humidifier function together, the introduction of humidification heater, warm hot air with the humid air blowing together , People feel very comfortable, and almost no noise. As consumers continue to improve the demand on the market derived from the novel products - fireplace - to simulate the flame, ceramic heating, resulting in warm air, creating a warm European and American style (power up to 1800W). The new appearance of a PTC ceramic heater appearance and ordinary oil-like heater like, but the use of enamel heat sink. Features a heat sink, thin shape, a protective cover, the use of security. Some of the more advanced products used in the room with infrared remote control, regular shutdown, fall automatically power and heating and other functions, can be regarded as fully functional.

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